Wow... I haven't updated this in forever. I have been baking, but I've just been using the same recipes I've posted about before...or I didn't have or make the time to blog about new recipes. Or the new recipes aren't good enough to post about. I did make chocolate chip pretzel cookies, but they were nothing great, so I probably won't post about them. The idea is interesting though. Here is the recipe if you want to try it. They weren't bad...they just weren't outstanding or flavorful enough for me. Maybe I should have done a second taste test later since baked goods taste different after they've been sitting around for awhile.
Anyway, for these peanut butter cookies, I used a recipe from 500 Cookies by Phillipa Vanstone, which my brother gave me awhile ago. I made chocolate shortbread with that book too. These were good if you love peanut butter. Also, I used unsalted peanut butter, so that might have affected the flavor of mine significantly. I made some with mini chocolate chips, and I liked those more than the plain peanut butter ones.